Contents tagged with Leptosphaeria biglobosa

11 March 2024

Learn about the drivers of risk and management options

27 February 2024

Leaves, flowers, stems and pods may all show symptoms of infection

1 October 2024

When use is necessary, a well-timed fungicide is an important part of control

5 April 2024

Some OSR may already have 10% of the crop affected by phoma, according to the leaf spot forecast for the disease.

16 May 2019

How air temperature influences disease resistance to phoma in oilseed rape was investigated by this research.

12 October 2018

Watch out for phoma leaf spot in winter oilseed rape, as current risk could be higher than you think.

4 November 2022

Cankers can effectively strangle a plant, cutting off vital water and nutrient supplies
